Sunday, April 5, 2020

Using Flameshot (Linux) or Greenshot (Windows/Mac)

Learned about some pretty cool screenshot tools from Heath Adams Udemy course Practical Ethical Hacking - the Complete Course today.

Documentation provided in a deliverable report to a client is arguably the most important part of any penetration testing/red team/etc engagement.

Screenshots are always needed as part of the report, and Heath mentioned using two tools. Greenshot for Windows/Mac and Flameshot for Linux.

Ubuntu is my primary operating system so I wanted to give it a test drive.

Installing on Ubuntu is very simple

sudo apt install flameshot

Searching for flameshot in Ubuntu's application finder, will show three items.

I added "Take graphical screenshot" to Favorites in order to be able to quickly/manually launch the tool.

You can remap the print screen (PrtSc) key on the keyboard to automatically launch the tool. Click here to view my tutorial on remapping the keyboard binding.

Flameshot - Remapping Print Screen Key in Ubuntu

If you would like to be able to quickly launch Flameshot using the print screen (PrtSc) key on the keyboard in Ubuntu Linux, do the following.

Launch Settings

Go to Devices -> Keyboard

Using search, look for screen, click on the highlighted Save a screenshot to Pictures (currently set to Printscreen (PrtSc keyboard key.)

Press the backspace key on the keyboard and it will disable the mapping.

Click on Set.

We now need to create a new mapping. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the keyboard shortcuts (remove your search query) and click the plus (+) button.

Name it something you will remember, and for the command path type in the path to Flameshot.

You will most likely want the graphical user interface to launch so add

/usr/bin/flameshot gui. Click on the X to close the window out.

Pressing the print screen (PrtSc) key on your keyboard should now launch Flameshot.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Python3 Version of simpleHTTPserver or Where Did SimpleHTTPserver Go in Python3

For those familiar with using python 2's simpleHTTPserver, it is a fast and easy way to start up a web server that can show contents of a directory.

In Python 2.X running python -m simpleHTTPserver starts a web server on port 8000 from the current directory.

In Python 3.X the new way to start up a simple http server is python3 -m http.server

By default the webserver spawned will use port 8000. You can specify a port after http.server
python3 -m http.server 9000

Starting http server:

Browsing the web server, locally with http://localhost:8000, notice you can now view/download/etc files from the directory the script was run from. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Quickly Update Kali Linux Date/Time with NTP

A quick way to update the system date/time on Kali when not accurate is to restart the ntp service.

service ntp restart

As long as your Kali machine has Internet access, the system date/time should automatically update.

Another handy command to use on Kali is the service --status-all command to show all running services.

If you are curious what a service is doing, check the logs with journalctl -u servicename (ntp.)